and than fall to sleep
The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly
30. juli 2010
bare fordi jeg er en smule overtroisk, og fordi mye stemmer faktisk.
Kjennetegn for Jomfruen
Jomfruen er født: 24.08-23.09
Den typiske JOMFRU er systematisk, setter pris på orden og grundighet.
De er derfor særlig egnet til oppgaver, som de fleste andre tegn unngår.
Jomfruen finner stor glede i å ha orden på ting, og bidrar gjerne til å holde orden på andres rot.
Jomfruen har en sterk ansvarsfølelse og er stolte over eget arbeid samt over sin dyktighet, effektivitet og metodiske innstilling.
Når det gjelder å skille det vesentlige fra det uvesentlige er Jomfruen er mester.
Det som derimot er litt vanskelig for dem, er å finne meningsfulle sammenhenger i alt de gjør.
Jomfruer er unike med å gi sin elsker eller partner samme oppmerksomhet som de gir arbeidet.
- Presis
- systematisk
- kritisk
- hjelpsom
- orden
- grundighet
- solid
- pålitelig
- realistisk.
Den typiske JOMFRU er systematisk, setter pris på orden og grundighet.
De er derfor særlig egnet til oppgaver, som de fleste andre tegn unngår.
Jomfruen finner stor glede i å ha orden på ting, og bidrar gjerne til å holde orden på andres rot.
Jomfruen har en sterk ansvarsfølelse og er stolte over eget arbeid samt over sin dyktighet, effektivitet og metodiske innstilling.
Når det gjelder å skille det vesentlige fra det uvesentlige er Jomfruen er mester.
Det som derimot er litt vanskelig for dem, er å finne meningsfulle sammenhenger i alt de gjør.
Jomfruer er unike med å gi sin elsker eller partner samme oppmerksomhet som de gir arbeidet.
- Presis
- systematisk
- kritisk
- hjelpsom
- orden
- grundighet
- solid
- pålitelig
- realistisk.
LYKKE TALL FOR 28.08.1994
Ditt lykketall er : 5
Tallet avslører.......
- Den livlige lykkejeger
- Den sosiale kontaktskaper
- Den slagferdige selger
- Den vitebegjærlige
- Den urolige
- Den rastløse
- Den impulsive
Styres av Planet: Merkur
Tallet 5 er det mest dynamiske av alle tall. Tallet 5 assosieres med planeten Merkur som står for skriftlig og muntlig kommunikasjon.
Tallet symboliseres med den 5-takkede stjerne og våre 5 sanser. Du skal lære om frihet denne gangen.
Det er da viktig at du har tillit til deg selv og ikke gir opp for fort når du møter på utfordringer.
Du er en allsidig person, og kan gjerne begi deg ut på usedvanlige og dristige eventyr.
I din omgang med andre mennesker er du livlig, og slagferdig, men vennlig.
Din oppfattelsesevne er beundringsverdig, og du er en fremragende menneskekjenner.
Uro, rastløshet og nervøsitet kan til tider ta deg og resultere i at du blir oppfarende, og da er lunten kort.
Avslapning er et fremmedord for deg, du liker svært godt at det skjer noe hele tiden.
Du er et mer følsomt menneske enn du gir uttrykk for, og din nattesøvn er viktig fordi du bruker mye energi i våken tilstand.
Du liker å smake på livet, men på at du ikke overdriver og stimulerer ditt sanseapparat for mye.
Tallet avslører.......
- Den livlige lykkejeger
- Den sosiale kontaktskaper
- Den slagferdige selger
- Den vitebegjærlige
- Den urolige
- Den rastløse
- Den impulsive
Styres av Planet: Merkur
Tallet 5 er det mest dynamiske av alle tall. Tallet 5 assosieres med planeten Merkur som står for skriftlig og muntlig kommunikasjon.
Tallet symboliseres med den 5-takkede stjerne og våre 5 sanser. Du skal lære om frihet denne gangen.
Det er da viktig at du har tillit til deg selv og ikke gir opp for fort når du møter på utfordringer.
Du er en allsidig person, og kan gjerne begi deg ut på usedvanlige og dristige eventyr.
I din omgang med andre mennesker er du livlig, og slagferdig, men vennlig.
Din oppfattelsesevne er beundringsverdig, og du er en fremragende menneskekjenner.
Uro, rastløshet og nervøsitet kan til tider ta deg og resultere i at du blir oppfarende, og da er lunten kort.
Avslapning er et fremmedord for deg, du liker svært godt at det skjer noe hele tiden.
Du er et mer følsomt menneske enn du gir uttrykk for, og din nattesøvn er viktig fordi du bruker mye energi i våken tilstand.
Du liker å smake på livet, men på at du ikke overdriver og stimulerer ditt sanseapparat for mye.
ble dette litt kjedelig kanskje, men jeg tror på sånt, jeg ser at noe stemmer og da tror jeg mer på det.
I'm right here waiting for you to understand what I feel,
cause I'm not brave enough to tell you that.
so please tell me that we'll work it out,
that we'll find a way.
I don't wanna leave you here,
I just want to stay.

I love you
so please tell me that we'll work it out,
that we'll find a way.
I don't wanna leave you here,
I just want to stay.
I love you
what if I told you how afraid I'm, about everything.
If you knew me,
you would ask what's wrong,
and we would talked all night on the phone.
but you don't know me.
If I opened up to you
you would know all the feelings
but if I get hurt, there are so few healings.
so I don't open up to you.
If I cry in your arms
you would.. no you wouldn't even open your arms to let me.
and if you would you would soon try to set me free.
so I guess I should try to not cry when you're around.

24. juli 2010
I Got your back boy
We were high
We were low
But I promise I will never let you go
Said I got I got I got I got your back boy
I got I got I got I got your back boy
(I know you got my back right)
Keep my swagger
Keep it looking good for ya
Keep it looking hood for ya
Shawty if you don't know
I got I got I got I got your back boy
sometimes I make up stories in my head, that never have happened, and probably never will
I laid on his chest, and felt his fingers trough my hair.
"I wanna know everything he said, did you meet any guys?"
I laughed and sat up, " all the dirty details, that will make you sick of jealousy?"
"yes" you said, and I saw the worries in your eyes already.
"well, oh...yes now I remember.. but I won't tell you" with a smile all over my self I rose and started to unpack.
"oh? I should probably go then.."
as he rose from the bed, my arm pulled him back "you know I'm just kidding.. I had a great time, nothing more to talk about"
"and how was YOUR summer" I added quickly.
"I had a great time" he smiled and gave me that look.
Just beacuse he didn't want to say anything more about it, I was the one starting to get jealous...
trying not to care I said "let's do the no talking thing"
He smiled and put his arms around me.. and then I knew
I was in crazy in love.
23. juli 2010
Nicholas Sparks just know a way to explain the exact same feeling that I feel.. but can't put in words
Trough it all, I loved her him as much as I always had
and I found my self aching for those simples times in the past.
I knew what was happening, of course.
As we were drifting apart,
I was becoming more desperate to save what we once shared
like vicious circle, however...
My desperation made us drift apart even further.
I replayed the day we'd spent together,
and I dwelled the endlessly on the past,
trying to escape an emptiness that wouldn't go away.
True love means that you care for another's person's happiness
...more than your own.
Now matter how paintfull the choices you make might be.
That's why I don't tell people about us.
They wouldn't understand, and I don't feel the need to explain,
simply because I know in my heart how real it was.
When I think of you I can't stop smiling,
Knowing that you have completed me somehow.
I love you, not just for now..
......but for always!
And I dream about the day you take me in your arms again.

and I found my self aching for those simples times in the past.
I knew what was happening, of course.
As we were drifting apart,
I was becoming more desperate to save what we once shared
like vicious circle, however...
My desperation made us drift apart even further.
I replayed the day we'd spent together,
and I dwelled the endlessly on the past,
trying to escape an emptiness that wouldn't go away.
True love means that you care for another's person's happiness
...more than your own.
Now matter how paintfull the choices you make might be.
That's why I don't tell people about us.
They wouldn't understand, and I don't feel the need to explain,
simply because I know in my heart how real it was.
When I think of you I can't stop smiling,
Knowing that you have completed me somehow.
I love you, not just for now..
......but for always!
And I dream about the day you take me in your arms again.
21. juli 2010
play me like a song
while you were playing your games,
i was falling for you
I know the game you play.
knew it all a long.
But that didn't stop me,
and you got to play me like a song.
first vers is amaizing i
if you like what you hear,
you kinda get butterflies
when the song comes to your ear.
the you got a chourse,
it's the first thing you learn how to play
you pretending you know it,
but truth is you don't know what to say.
and before you know it,
second vers starts.
even though it's no good,
things are no longer falling apart.
then the chourse get played all over again.
and you think it doesn't hurts
no time to think
that's only making it worse.
then you regret,
cause the song starts to end,
it's no longer perfect
and there is no need to pretend.
The last line comes,
and the tears follow.
But you wanna play it again
even if it make you sorrow.
i was falling for you
I know the game you play.
knew it all a long.
But that didn't stop me,
and you got to play me like a song.
first vers is amaizing i
if you like what you hear,
you kinda get butterflies
when the song comes to your ear.
the you got a chourse,
it's the first thing you learn how to play
you pretending you know it,
but truth is you don't know what to say.
and before you know it,
second vers starts.
even though it's no good,
things are no longer falling apart.
then the chourse get played all over again.
and you think it doesn't hurts
no time to think
that's only making it worse.
then you regret,
cause the song starts to end,
it's no longer perfect
and there is no need to pretend.
The last line comes,
and the tears follow.
But you wanna play it again
even if it make you sorrow.
20. juli 2010
in a perfect life I would ran after you, and never let you go
First I would eat breakfast at the beach

Then I would get to know two surfers, but ofc I only had eye for the one without t-shirt,
and he would be this good at surfing, and say : I wish I had the chance to learn you how to surf.

and then he would take me to a place, and say : this is my second favorite place. (and I would be thinking that he probably had been taking many other girls there before)

and after that we would walk back on the beach and watch the beautiful life

and then we would kiss
(error : no picture, sorry)
(error : no picture, sorry)
and in his arms I would be thinking : is it so easy to fall for someone this quick.

and after that I felt the tears in my eyes because he was leaving town later today.
but then I realized that life is beautiful no matter how damn complicated it can get.
So now I put a smile on my face...and just thinks about memorizes that I made today.
I usually know what to say...
but right now I don't find any words.

let's do it the easy way, no talking.

I miss you

and when I'm all alone I sometimes cry

and the truth is : I'm a mess.

and in love....I think.

but I smile much

cause life is wonderful

I love life and

let's do it the easy way, no talking.
I miss you
and when I'm all alone I sometimes cry
and the truth is : I'm a mess.

and in love....I think.
but I smile much
cause life is wonderful
I love life and

19. juli 2010
you make me crazier...
I've never gone with the wind
Just let it flow
Let it take me where it wants to go
Till you open the door
There's so much more
I've never seen it before
I was trying to fly
But I couldn't find wings
Then you came along
And you changed everything
You lift my feet off the ground
Spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I
I'm lost in your eyes
You make me crazier,
Crazier, crazier
Watched from a distance as you
Made life your own
Every sky was your own kind of blue
And I wanted to know
How that would feel
And you made it so real
You showed me something that I couldn't see
Opened my eyes and you made me believe
You lift my feet off the ground
Spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I
I'm lost in your eyes
You make me crazier,
Crazier, crazier, oh
Baby, you showed me what living is for
I don't want to hide anymore
You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I
I'm lost in your eyes
You make me crazier,
Crazier, crazier
Crazier, crazier

Just let it flow
Let it take me where it wants to go
Till you open the door
There's so much more
I've never seen it before
I was trying to fly
But I couldn't find wings
Then you came along
And you changed everything
You lift my feet off the ground
Spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I
I'm lost in your eyes
You make me crazier,
Crazier, crazier
Watched from a distance as you
Made life your own
Every sky was your own kind of blue
And I wanted to know
How that would feel
And you made it so real
You showed me something that I couldn't see
Opened my eyes and you made me believe
You lift my feet off the ground
Spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I
I'm lost in your eyes
You make me crazier,
Crazier, crazier, oh
Baby, you showed me what living is for
I don't want to hide anymore
You lift my feet off the ground
You spin me around
You make me crazier, crazier
Feels like I'm falling and I
I'm lost in your eyes
You make me crazier,
Crazier, crazier
Crazier, crazier
16. juli 2010
I should have done this a long time ago..
I tried something new today,
opened my eyes,
reached out to the others.
And when the others tried to come to me,
I did not hide or run away.
Opened my self ,
reached out for their hand.
And when we got to know,
I forgot you for a while.
Opened my heart for someone new,
and reached out for their heart
And when I'm sitting here,
I think what I did was what I needed,
to open my eyes.
I have reached out for you so many times before.
but you never tried to reach out for me.
I'm not sure what I wrote now means.. but I'm sure I'm having a great time.
15. juli 2010
13. juli 2010
You should know .... I want YOU
I'm feeling perfect in these strangers arms.
But still i miss thE unperfectness back home.... your arms!
Cause the thing is, it doesn't matter how damn hot the boys are down here,
and i don't care about all the beautifull things they say...
Cause I,I only want you right now!!
12. juli 2010
I write you these letters
just to tell you everything...
but I'll never show them to you, just maybe.... if you ask me.
10. juli 2010
so now I'm leaving
without saying goodbye..
I'm ready to leave, my bags are packed and I can't wait.
there's just one thing missing...YOU.
Where are you right now? wasn't we supposed to say goodbye.
It's just three weeks, thats not so long..I know.
I just wanted to tell you a few things today.
Like how much I'm going to miss you...
and how much I need you.
I wanted to say that I really love to have you in my life,
and that being here with you are more perfect than any perfectness.
You wrote that you didn't need to come if I didn't have the time..
just so you know, next time you can just say the truth.
That it's YOU that have better things to do...
that YOU just can't make it...
that YOU didn't feel like coming.
I don't need lies you know, truth is more than perfect.
I'm ready to leave, my bags are packed and I can't wait,
but still I'm hoping that you will show your face in the last minute.
I just need to say goodbye, even though I hate goodbyes.
I wrote this post earlier today... but then he showed his face.
I heart you, you know, and this was all I needed..
Right now, I can't stop smiling, thank you!
I'm ready to leave, my bags are packed and I can't wait..
I said goodbye, so now it's my time.. to go and have the time of my life.

The perfect goodbye, it couldn't be have been better than this.
I'm ready to leave, my bags are packed and I can't wait.
there's just one thing missing...YOU.
Where are you right now? wasn't we supposed to say goodbye.
It's just three weeks, thats not so long..I know.
I just wanted to tell you a few things today.
Like how much I'm going to miss you...
and how much I need you.
I wanted to say that I really love to have you in my life,
and that being here with you are more perfect than any perfectness.
You wrote that you didn't need to come if I didn't have the time..
just so you know, next time you can just say the truth.
That it's YOU that have better things to do...
that YOU just can't make it...
that YOU didn't feel like coming.
I don't need lies you know, truth is more than perfect.
I'm ready to leave, my bags are packed and I can't wait,
but still I'm hoping that you will show your face in the last minute.
I just need to say goodbye, even though I hate goodbyes.
I wrote this post earlier today... but then he showed his face.
I heart you, you know, and this was all I needed..
Right now, I can't stop smiling, thank you!
I'm ready to leave, my bags are packed and I can't wait..
I said goodbye, so now it's my time.. to go and have the time of my life.

The perfect goodbye, it couldn't be have been better than this.
your arms - my home, okay?
I think I've walked too close to love and now I'm falling in. There's so many things this weary soul can't take. Maybe you just caught me by surprise, the first time that I looked into your eyes. There's a life inside of me that I can feel again, it's the only thing that takes me where I've never been. I don't care if I lost everything that I have known, cause it don't matter where I lay my head tonight, your arms feel like home.
I've been walkin' around tryin' to figure out why I've been feelin' all these feelings that I'm feeling now.
8. juli 2010
I love the songs, and the lyrics.
random quotes from random lyrics:
- It's a little to late to say that your sorry now, you kicked me when I was down,
-Now you can do this on your own
But everyone knows that no one likes to be alone (W.T.P)
But everyone knows that no one likes to be alone (W.T.P)
- I've done my best to give you, nothing less than perfectness
And I know that if I end this... don't think my heart will have nothing left (25 to life)
And I know that if I end this... don't think my heart will have nothing left (25 to life)
- It's a little to late to say that your sorry now, you kicked me when I was down,
but what you say just don't hurt me. (no love)
-We'll walk this road together, through the storm, whatever weather, cold or warm
just let you know that, you're not alone. (not afraid)
5. juli 2010
Two weeks
and still you feel like the loneliness
is better replaced by this
I don't believe it this way and
I can see the fear in your eyes I've seen it materialize
Growing stronger each day
I could see it as you turned to stone
Still clearly I can hear you say
don't, leave, don't , give up on me
two weeks and you ran away
I remember don't lie to me
you couldn't see that it was not that way
swear I never gave up on you.
I don't believe it this way and
I can see the fear in your eyes I've seen it materialize
Growing stronger each day
I could see it as you turned to stone
Still clearly I can hear you say
don't, leave, don't , give up on me
two weeks and you ran away
I remember don't lie to me
you couldn't see that it was not that way
swear I never gave up on you.
4. juli 2010
she reminded me of myself
- Poor April,Just like the character in the story. Who's always been the friend then she realized she doesn't just want to be the friend she wants to be the girlfriend. Except it's too late.
- What do you mean?
- Weren't you listening? She came home for you.
- What do you mean?
- Weren't you listening? She came home for you.
April: You know what's really cool?
Will Hayes: I don't.
April: We can just sit hear and not have to worry about flirting, or all the attraction stuff.
Will Hayes: Yea, all that stuff...
Will Hayes: I don't.
April: We can just sit hear and not have to worry about flirting, or all the attraction stuff.
Will Hayes: Yea, all that stuff...
-I just wonder if you want people to like you a little too much.
2. juli 2010
and then I live last summer, all over again.
"When you're struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something, and to them, it's just as hard as what you're going through."
what I' am struggling with?!
- oh you know, it's just hurt a little not talking to you, guess I'm just afraid that you will forget me, that one day you say: I don't need you anymore, sorry.
Maybe I should stop worrying about the future and just live in the moment. It's just that, when you're not around you're the only thing on my mind.
"you don't know what you got, until you missing it allot"
Why I'm missing you?!
- oh you know, you're just a few mile away, and when you think about it it just take a few hours to take a flight to you. I'm going to see you in a month, (5 weeks) so I shouldn't worry at all, because there are people in the world missing each other for a year, and this is just for a 5 weeks.
-But right now, the time stands still. and then I got a flashback, this had happened before.
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